Weekly Wisdom: The impact of early learning programs

It’s a no-brainer that high-quality early education can lead to a safer, stable and more successful future for a child. Often times, parents underestimate just how early children are positively affected by learning. Activities such as reading, math and talking together can make a lasting impact on a child’s cognitive development. In fact, recent research from ZERO TO THREE finds the benefits of reading can have a positive effect on a child as young as six months old! That’s why we must ensure children are thriving in every way possible. Whether it’s through home visiting, Head Start or high-quality child care, we must foster early learning. Let’s make sure Congress continues to invest in these programs!

Urge Congress to Raise the Budget Caps!

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Samra Khawaja manages Save the Children Action Network’s social media. She hopes to be a voice for children around the world, one tweet and one hashtag at a time. #InvestInKids

