Photo of the Month: 6-year-old Lillian

6-year-old Lillian is from Clay County, Kentucky. Since she was in preschool, Lillian has been enrolled in Save the Children’s in-school literacy and afterschool sponsorship programs. Through these programs, Lillian has gained confidence and learned the practice of sharing and respecting others.

Afterschool programs like 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) have many benefits for students. They encourage learning and active time outside for kids attending high-poverty schools. Students in afterschool attend school more often, do better in school, gain skills for success and are more likely to graduate.

Every $1 invested in afterschool programs saves $3 by:

  • Increasing kids’ earning potential.
  • Improving kid’s performance at school.
  • Reducing crime and welfare costs.

Yet despite these tremendous benefits, CCLC programs are facing budget cuts. Parents across America want afterschool and summer programs for their children, but the cost and lack of available programs are standing in their way. We must tell Congress to oppose these budget cuts so more kids like Lillian can have the opportunity to go somewhere safe and reliable after school.

Urge Congress to save afterschool programs!  

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Samra Khawaja manages Save the Children Action Network’s social media. She hopes to be a voice for children around the world, one tweet and one hashtag at a time. #InvestInKids

