We delivered 24,523 petitions to lawmakers—by hand

Petition delivery to Speaker Ryan and Senate Majority Leader McConnell


The bad news: last week, the House of Representatives and Senate voted to wait until next year to pass a budget for the full Fiscal Year 2017. This put the health and nutrition programs that save kids’ lives around the world at risk of cuts.

As a result, nearly 25,000 of our supporters signed our petition to Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

We knew we needed to make an impact. So we delivered the petition signatures—all 24,523 of them—by hand. Speaker Ryan and Leader McConnell’s offices couldn’t miss that huge stack!

The good news: last week Congress approved a short-term funding bill that does not make any cuts to these critical health and nutrition programs! Because of our supporters, we showed congressional leaders that the American public will work to ensure that kids everywhere survive and thrive. Without people like you standing up for kids, they wouldn’t have a voice on Capitol Hill.

Join us to become a voice for moms and kids around the world.

