5 Ways SCAN Volunteers Advocated for Child Care in August

Wow, is August ending already?

Though the month seemed to fly by, it was productive for our advocates across the U.S.! From state to state, these individuals spent their August meeting with representatives, attending marches for kids and setting up tables at local events to educate the public and lawmakers about the issue of child care deserts.

Haven’t heard of child care deserts? Borrowing from the term “food deserts,” child care deserts are areas where the need for child care far exceeds availability. Unfortunately, more than half of our country lives in one.

Here are just a few examples of volunteers hitting the streets and meeting with members of Congress to urge lawmakers to support bipartisan legislation called the Child Care Workforce and Facilities Act (S. 605 | H.R. 1488), which would help address child care deserts.

Save the Children Action Network (SCAN) advocates met with Rep. Deb Haaland’s (D-NM) office and discussed their shared vision for making early learning a priority in Congress.


5 volunteers from the Chicagoland Community Action Team met with Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi to discuss child care deserts and the border crisis. Rep.  Krishnamoorthi stated his support for HR1488, which address child care deserts.  


SCAN volunteers in New Hampshire joined the March for Children event to advocate for early education programs.


A group of preschool teachers, military parents and faith-based volunteers in South Carolina met with Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) to talk about their first-hand challenges trying to find child care. They urged him to cosponsor the Child Care Workforce and Facilities Act.


Generations of volunteers tabled at the Cedar Rapids Farmers’ Market to spread the word about how we can address the problem of child care deserts.


We’re so proud of these advocates and everyone who urged lawmakers to help make child care deserts a thing of the past. When children have access to high-quality child care, they become kindergarten-ready, setting them on a path to success.

YOU can help keep up the pressure!

Urge your members of Congress to cosponsor the Child Care Workforce and Facilities Act today.

