Monthly Archives: February 2019

Help Stop the War on Children

Nearly 1 in 5 children around the world are living in conflict zones, according to a recently-released report from Save the Children. Your voice is needed to demand that our leaders Stop the War on Children.


Have a Heart Photo Journey

Throughout the month of February, our volunteers across the country delivered handmade valentines and collected online signatures to members of Congress around one message: to have a heart and invest in kids.


Advocates We Love

February is upon us and our hearts are warm from Valentine’s Day! We’re spreading the love this year by highlighting the work our volunteers are doing on behalf of kids.


Advocacy? I have time for that!

As a pediatrician, I decided to volunteer with SCAN because I want to do more for the families I serve. It seemed daunting at first to find time to commit to volunteering while working a full-time job, but there are many ways to do it!


Investing in Vermont’s Kids

Vermont is lucky to have political leaders from all parties pushing to prioritize critical investments in child care and early learning as well as helping its working parents thrive. Now is the time to speak up and show our support for their work, so we can achieve meaningful change in 2019! 
